Transformation Quarterly 02_2024

In your view, how has the relation­ship between politi­cians and media changed since the last federal elections in Germany?

It is not just my personal impression that parts of society are in­creasingly distrusting the main­stream media and accusing them of biased or agenda-driven reporting, it’s a fact. As a media company we must take those senti­ments seriously. At the same time, a clear, pro-democratic stance that we take as a company does not prevent us from delivering in­dependent and critical journalism. I think that transparent communi­cation and thoroughly researched journalism are strong tools in the fight against the division of society. And as a media company with more than 1,700 journalists we are in an excellent position to provide just that. With its broad range of formats, RTL Deutsch­land reaches almost every­one in Germany – and as national media champions we take our re­spon­sibility towards society very seriously.

What impact do the changes in the media land­scape have on your day-to-day work?

We are sig­nifi­cantly more agile as a company and we are trying many new things, in particular in terms of tech­nology. This has been quite a process for a company like RTL Deutsch­land that has had to change barely any­thing in its proven formula for success for many years. Today, change is the new normal for us. Luckily, we under­stood that we need to change in order to remain success­ful before it was too late. One example is our all-inclusive streaming app RTL+, an inno­vative and globally almost unique service that we have implemented and established on the market in a very short space of time, making it the most success­ful product of its kind in Germany today. We are now continuing with a clear strategy along this path of expanding services like RTL+ and pre­serving our established channels and success­ful brands at the same time.

How do political communi­cations need to change to get through in particular to young people against the back­drop of the strong influence of TikTok and other social media? What will the impli­cations be for the electoral campaigns in next year's federal elections?

It might sound like a given, but for good communi­cations to work it must reach its intended target groups. For young people, social media are the main source of information. We must thus thoroughly and expertly place infor­mation on these channels. In this context it is paramount that we aren’t condescending in our communi­cations and that we provide com­pre­hensible information. To this end, we have developed relevant news formats for our B2C social channels that are very success­ful with younger target groups. I am sure that political parties have the same aware­ness for the importance of social media in their communi­cations as we do as a media company.


Eva Messerschmidt took over as Chief Communications Officer at RTL Deutschland in April 2023 and is responsible for the company’s internal and external communi­cations. She previously held the positions of Chief Streaming Officer, Co-Managing Director RTL+, and Head of Innovation at the Cologne media company. 

Photo: Eva Messerschmidt
