Transformation Quarterly 03_2023

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

Approaches to achieving the climate targets in the building sector – LEG Parliamentary Evening

A Parliamentary Evening is an effective opportunity for companies to bring key messages into the political arena and to raise their profile – especially when it comes to controversial discussions such as climate protection in the building sector. At the Parliamentary Evening of housing company LEG Immobilien SE and partners, the topic was “Efficient and innovative solutions to achieve the climate targets in the building sector”.

The target is clear: greenhouse gases must be reduced by 88 percent by 2040 and greenhouse gas neutrality must be achieved by 2045. The building sector in particular has a key role to play here. The long, intensive and heated discussion about the Building Energy Act (Gebäudeenergiegesetz GEG), otherwise known as the “Heating Act”, shows that the path to climate neutrality in the building sector is a rocky one.

At the Parliamentary Evening, which was supported by H/Advisors Deekeling Arndt in its organisation and implementation, LEG and its partners laid out how things can be done differently.

An evening that brings together policymakers, the business world and society – for a successful heating transition

In the current difficult economic environ­ment, climate targets are an enormous challenge. On the one hand, the housing stock needs to be upgraded in terms of optimal energy efficiency, while on the other, the costs for this must remain affordable for land­lords and tenants. It is there­fore more important than ever to pay attention to emissions efficiency, in otherwords, the greatest climate protection effect per euro invested.

Because the energy transition will only succeed if it unites society rather than divding it. To achieve the climate targets, innovation must be the driver for future emissions efficiency.

As the second-largest housing company in Germany, LEG has been working for several years on digital, sustainable and field-tested solutions for climate-neutral energy supply. This includes developing smart building technology and efficient building envelopes in the housing stock. In this way, LEG aims to achieve the most efficient climate protection possible.

In view of the special situation and the highly regulated environment in the rental and building segment, the heating transition targets can only be achieved if policymakers, the business world and tenants collaborate closely. At the same time, different solutions are needed for each building and each neighbourhood, which is why the explicit directives from policymakers that were initially set down in the Building Energy Act did not make sense. What is needed is an openness to new solutions. The political focus must be on emissions efficiency rather than energy efficiency.

"There needs to be more focus on emissions efficiency rather than energy efficiency."
Lars von Lackum, CEO of LEG Immobilien SE

The Parliamentary Evening, which LEG Immobilien SE organised together with its partners Mitsubishi Electric, Oventrop and Rhomberg Bau on 20 September 2023 at the Deutsche Bank Quartier Zukunft in Berlin, provided an opportunity for an open dialogue between policymakers and businesses in a pleasant atmosphere. The clear and discussion-based event format helped to convey the core messages of all partners and positioning them vis-à-vis policymakers and the media as credible solution providers and constructive discussion partners.

Numerous guests from the political arena, the administration, the media and associations took this opportunity to have intensive discussions, exchange information and learn about the solutions offered by LEG and its partners. After an introductory talk by Lars von Lackum, a panel discussion enabled all participating companies to present their innovative solutions. At the subsequent get-together, a “market of opportunities” opened up a space for more in-depth expert discussions..


About LEG

With around 167,000 rental apartments accommodating some 500,000 residents, LEG SE is a leading listed housing company in Germany. The company maintains eight branches and is also represented at select locations with personal local contacts. From its core business of renting and leasing, LEG SE generated revenue of around €1.15 billion in fiscal year 2022, with an average rent of 6.32€/sqm. With a share of around one-fifth social housing and its ongoing commitment towards efficient climate protection – including serial refurbishment with the RENOWATE subsidiary founded at the beginning of 2022 – LEG underscores its dedication to sustainability in various areas.

About Lars von Lackum

Lars von Lackum has been CEO of LEG Immobilien SE since June 2019. In June 2022, he also took over as Chair of the Federal Commission for Construction, Real Estate and Smart Cities in the CDU's Economic Council in order to create the right framework conditions for a successful housing policy in Germany in close cooperation with policymakers.

Photos: Tobias Koch

Parliamentary events – an indispensable part of public affairs work

Parliamentary events, ranging from the long-established breakfast, lunch and evening formats to more innovative, newer concepts, are an indispensable means of getting companies’ own message across and positioning themselves as contact partners and experts in the political arena in Berlin. These public affairs events complement the classic talks with government and parliament and offer the hosts a targeted and effective platform for political dialogue and networking with the Bundestag, the Federal Government, the Bundesrat, the administration and the media.

While remaining clear and comprehensible, the Parliamentary Evening organised by LEG and its partners went deep in terms of content, a fact that was appreciated by the guests present. The evening thus contributed towards raising the profile of all participating partners in the political arena in Berlin and successfully brought their innovative solutions into the policy discussion. 

As with climate protection and the heating transition in the building sector, there is no "one size fits all" approach to public affairs work. What is needed is an individual solution based on a company’s unique situation as well as openness to new, innovative approaches. Which format is the right one always depends on the objective and the target group and must be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Feel free to contact us if you are planning such an event.

