Industry expertise energy

To achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2045, Germany will have to massively increase the pace of trans­formation of the entire energy sector in the coming years. The annual expansion of re­newable energies will require a tripling or qua­dru­pling of the invest­ments made in recent years. Construction of infra­structure such as new power grids must be sped up, and the ramp-up of the hydrogen market and the expansion of storage tech­nolo­gies must be sig­nifi­cantly accelerated. The German KfW bank estimates that around 500 billion euros of additional invest­ment will be required over the next 25 years to achieve these goals.

The energy sector does not just involve a lot of capital, it is also highly political and dependent on a variety of different regu­la­tory inter­ventions. Energy supply has become a decisive factor in many companies’ business success. The diverse, very complex require­ments of European, national and local authorities with regard to how our energy supply is organised must be aligned and result in robust, effective long-term invest­ment strategies for companies. The same applies to credible strategies within the frame­work of climate policy require­ments. In order to remain fit for the future, economic, energy and climate policy goals must be harmonised.

What you can expect from us

We know how the inter­national energy industry does business, how effective large companies, associations and organi­sations are, and what local and cross-regional municipal utilities require. We also know the various political decision-makers at regional, national and EU level. You will receive industry insights and over­views of the main up­coming regu­la­tory changes in the energy industry and climate policy. Together, we will position your company for success in an environ­ment that includes many different stake­holders. We facilitate access to political and social decision-makers and thus help to feed your company’s arguments into the political process – trans­parently and at an early stage.

Photo: Matter

What we will do for you


We help you keep track of the multitude of different and inter­depen­dent leg­isla­tive initiatives at inter­national, European and national level and to an­tici­pate and categorise them in the context of your business model.


We see our­selves as an enabler for realising your business potential in a con­stantly changing environ­ment. To this end, we work with you to develop suitable strategies that explain your company’s actions to your stake­holders in the political arena and in society.


We translate those strategies into customised communi­cations solutions for you and with you.