Sustainability and ESG

Societal change and political pressure have created a new paradigm. We have arrived in the age of sus­tain­able business. This is expressed in companies’ align­ment with ESG (environ­mental, social, corporate governance) criteria. Focussing solely on economic growth endangers corporate success. If a company has no recog­nis­able sus­tain­ability profile, it is at risk of being less accepted in society and losing the good­will of policy-makers, and it may become less at­trac­tive on the capital market as well as weaken its brand as an employer.

Acting sus­tain­ably and positioning them­selves clearly is important for most companies if they want to continue to be success­ful along their supply chains. They are also under continuous ob­ser­vation, and are just as likely to come into the cross­hairs of activists as analysts if they do too little or if corporate reality is not in line with what was promised. We are seeing a drastic increase in accusations of green­washing and very high-profile climate liti­gation proceedings. Corporate governance is becoming more un­com­fortable. At the same time, acting according to sus­tain­ability and ESG criteria also offers huge oppor­tu­nities and is be­coming the compass for how companies shape their future.

What you can expect from us

Sus­tain­ability is a process that should in itself be part of a company’s communi­cations. We will work with you to identify communi­cations risks and will prepare you to address them. We will help you to maintain the upper hand and see ourselves as problem-solvers when intention and reality are not in line with each other.

We will give you cer­tainty around when and how you position your company well, and we will help you develop topics to en­hance your profile. We will show you how you can become a thought leader while at the same time engaging in the right amount of ex­pecta­tions manage­ment.

We will navi­gate you through the forest of different stake­holder interests, and will refine and communicate your sus­tain­ability profile. With you, we will develop a position that will both carry you through con­tro­versy and make your company accepted and fit for the future.

Photo: image

What we will do for you

Stakeholder mapping and dialogue

We will identify rele­vant players, organise outside-in per­spec­tives, alliances and regular dialogue.

Risk assessments and potentials analysis

We will compare external challenges with your corporate and sus­tain­ability strategy and prepare you for key scenarios.

Communications strategy and positioning

We will work with you to refine your sus­tain­ability profile, work out your communi­cations strategy, set your agenda and roadmap.

Integration into company

We will communi­cate your position on sustain­ability and the ESG require­ments within the company, thus creating ac­cep­tance with the work­force and managers.
