Transformation to climate neutrality

What are the specific challenges company managers and communi­cations officers face when it comes to the trans­formation to climate neu­tral­ity? How can they gain a repu­ta­tional and com­pet­itive edge on their way there? Our Senior Partner Olaf Arndt answers these and other questions in a video series. The videos are subtitled in English.

Successfully negotiating the path towards climate-neutrality through strategic communications:

Taking control of communications with clear guidance on the pathway to zero:

The road towards climate neutrality can be winding – conflicting targets must be openly addressed:

The pathway to zero requires stamina – and a narrative that goes the distance:

The transition to climate neutrality is also a key issue in terms of imple­menting change at the manage­ment and employee levels:

Leading from the front or letting others go first – what counts are the benefits for the business:

Using partnerships to facilitate the implementation of objectives:

Emotionalisation and escalation – dialogue offers the best prevention:

A clear sustainability profile opens the door to green financial instruments:

The pressure to be transparent:
